We are providers of all CDC-recommended vaccines for travelers at reasonable prices, and we are certified providers of yellow fever vaccine for California and Nevada. We also provide waivers for yellow fever and cholera when medically appropriate (see the CDC yellow fever information sheet).
We stock all other routine vaccines and those for special risk situations: Japanese B encephalitis series, both oral and injected typhoid vaccines, the new meningitis vaccine, HP vaccine for females and males to prevent cervical cancer virus transmission, chikungunya, and Zostavax against shingles. We can provide low-cost rabies vaccine for 2 or more persons.
We provide prevention and self-treatment strategies for malaria, traveler's diarrhea, altitude sickness, dengue, high altitude sickness, and jet-lag.
There is NO vaccine against malaria. We prescribe appropriate medications for your destination and budget. Learn about herbal treatments for malaria: artemesinin. See the malaria life cycle.